Robotics With Python
Discover Robotics with Python and Raspberry pi
November 29, 2021
Raspberry Pi
December 27, 2021
Robotics With Python
Discover Robotics with Python and Raspberry pi
November 29, 2021
Raspberry Pi
December 27, 2021


Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things, IoT Applications delineates with group of objects that are embedded with software, sensors and other technologies. These are used for the purpose of exchanging and connecting data with other systems and devices over the internet. 

The internet of things interconnected to computing devices, digital machines and, mechanical, people, objects, or animals provided with distinct identifiers and the capability to transfer data over a network without essential human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

9 Real IoT applications

  • Smart Home Applications
  • Tackling Industrial Issues
  • Agriculture and Pest Control
  • Environment
  • Smart Cities
  • Health care
  • Safe Driving
  • Waste management
  • Supply Chain

Smart Home Applications

Internet of Things, IoT Applications as a term has stopped into our lives and started to direct the field pretty well. Smart homes are doubtless the most common of all IoT use applications. The concept of smart homes has spun around the internet for a long time. 

Smart home devices share and collect information in an integrated platform and desensitise their actions based on the owner’s inclination. A smart home application works with the active use of IoT Applications. Hence, it is transparent that they engage in a learning process to understand the tip of their owner.

There are many IoT that is used in smart home appliances. For example,

· Smart Lighting

· Smart Thermostats

Smart lighting 

        This lighting adjusts their lights based on the user preference and external lighting.

 Smart Thermostats

         Smart Thermostats monitor and control home temperatures to the comfort of the owner. Latest thermostats like Ecobee and Nest are based on IoT. Smart home applications of the new generation use their sensor data to automatically adjust the order to your schedule. They monitor your location in real-time applications like dish washer on and off accordingly.

Tackling Industrial Issues

The industrial internet of things (IIoT) mention to the supplement and use of the internet of things, IoT applications and industrial sectors. With a sturdy focus on big data, machine learning, and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, the IIoT enables enterprises and industries to have better integrity and efficiency in their operations. The IIoT enclose includes robotics, medical devices, industrial applications, and software-defined production processes.

Using IoT in the industrial sector is occasionally similar to the Industrial revolution. IoT can be used in inventory management and asset management in the manufacturing department. Implanting IoT in the manufacturing industry can help track the capability of the systems being used, detect causes of lack of efficiency, detect any errors in the machinery etc. IoT in the industry can help in intercept coincidental downtime too.

Agriculture and Pest Control

Agriculture is important for human survival, and the way the population keeps increasing, it can be difficult to maintain such large-scale agriculture without a major revolution.

Combining IoT applications with farming can help boost production and keep it in line with the population ignition happening all over the globe. Furthermore, IoT applications can result in precision farming – that is, analytical data to understand climatic changes, plant requirement, soil moisture level etc., and thus boost yield and invigorate the use of resources.

A strain that the agricultural sector has always faced is pest infiltration. However, there are some other IoT systems that could be used to trap pests and notify authorities about them.  


In recent times, human activities have caused. We are slowly trying to tackle environmental issues and correct our mistakes.

One of the areas where IoT are working is the preservation of bees. Climate change is affecting them as well. Honey Bees are facing risk in this polluted world. Beekeepers can take superior charge of preserving hives by implanting IoT devices. Using IoT with connected sensors, it is practicable to keep track of the hive temperature, the pollen collection and the amount of food present in the hives. IoT can also be used in waste management, helping us take superior care of our environment.

Smart Cities

 Smart cities are planned by many government – cities that steadily use IoT for several reasons like public transportation, traffic management, utility billing, parking etc. Smart Cities are large-scale IoT applications that cover a wide range of challenging sectors in a city.

 With the combination of sensors, cloud platforms, and GPS data collection, it will be simple to keep track of traffic conditions in a given location, plan construction projects by estimating their impact on traffic, and discover other routes as needed.

Smart billing for domestic energy use and smart street lighting can both aid in energy management. Another use case of IoT use cases is improving public safety by using smart microphones or smart cameras to help detect crime in any area across a city.

Health Care

The entire healthcare sector comprises patients, hospitals, physicians, and health insurance companies. IoT can enrich and target each of these parties. For example, patients already have access to many wearables like blood pressure monitors fitness bands to help with their health.

These gadgets also have alert mechanisms built in to warn family members or doctors in the event of an emergency. Real-time health information can also be used to increase the accuracy of clinical trials. In addition, IoT devices can be used inside hospitals to track locations of medical devices like wheelchairs or defibrillators and help with monitoring the environment, temperature regulation and inventory management. 

Most IoT devices collect information and store them in the cloud. Health insurance companies can access this information to track the daily activities, whether they are looking into the operational processes or even adhering to their treatment plans.

Safe Driving

With the rising use of mobile phones, there has been a terrible rise in car accidents. These accidents have been connected to driving. While there has been a deterrent against using mobile phones while driving, many drivers do not pay heed to it. 

IoT applications can also be utilised to better analyse coach drivers and their driving behaviour. However, using IoT technology, it is possible to track a driver’s smartphone activity while driving.

 IoT is being used for constructing driverless cars. Using this platform, the driverless car can data from a variety of sources that tell them about the traffic conditions and sharp turns, speed breakers, potholes, and other useful information required for driving. Driverless cars can be a good addition in a Smart City to ensure smooth traffic conditions.   

Waste Management

IoT Applications can bring a lot to help with waste management. Non-biodegradable goods moved by many companies managing the waste already being generated is important. For example, one of the IoT use cases is selecting the right route for garbage trucks. IoT applications can spot truck drivers about setting a path for them and filling dustbins so that they do not waste time exploring locations with empty dustbins. IoT devices can also help develop Smart bins, which can segregate waste into categories like metal, glass, plastic or paper. 

Supply chain                

If you are using Swiggy or Amazon, you might be aware of the tracking system they use to track the delivery of your products. Supply chains uses IoT applications for quite some time. It has helped suppliers track development in transit and get immediate customer feedback with the help of a rating system. IoT systems can also help the drivers or supplier preserve the products better during transit by communicating information about the pressure and temperature that the item is being maintained. Hence, IoT can minimise workflow by improving the supply chain transit.

IoT training course is added to our Elysium Embedded School for the industry needs. We learn IoT technology to enable students to learn anytime to develop many embedded applications using IoT technology. Elysium embedded schools include training, the delivery of just-in-time information and guidance from experts. By this IoT with an embedded Training course, the number of placements for the students will increase rapidly.

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